
BBQ Season is Here But Do You Know Which Foods Could Make Your Dog Sick?

🌽 Your dog loves BBQs too, but not all human treats are safe! Discover the dos and don’ts of BBQ foods for dogs and make sure your pup has a blast!

🥩 Worried about what your dog can and can't eat at a cookout? We've got you covered with a list of dangerous and safe BBQ foods for your dog! Check it out now!

I love a good BBQ as much as the next person, but every time we fire up the grill, I end up with a new worry about keeping my dog safe. There’s nothing quite like the smell of grilled meat and the fun of a summer cookout, but our furry friends can find BBQs a bit of a minefield.

Do you know which BBQ foods are dangerous for dogs and which ones are safe? You might be surprised at what makes the list!

Dangerous BBQ Foods for Dogs

  1. Cooked Bones: I know it’s tempting to toss your dog a bone after you’re done with your steak, but cooked bones can splinter and cause serious internal injuries. Stick to dog-safe chews instead.
  2. Corn Cobs: Corn might seem harmless, but the cobs can be a choking hazard and cause blockages in your dog’s intestines. Keep them out of reach.
  3. Onions and Garlic: These common BBQ ingredients can cause anemia in dogs. Whether they’re raw, cooked, or in powder form, they’re a big no-no.
  4. Chocolate and Desserts: We all know chocolate is toxic to dogs, but don’t forget that many desserts contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is extremely dangerous for our pups.
  5. Avocado: While small amounts of avocado flesh are generally safe, the pit, skin, and leaves contain persin, which can be toxic to dogs. Better to avoid it altogether.
  6. Alcohol: This should be obvious, but no beer for Fido! Alcohol can cause serious health issues in dogs, even in small amounts.
  7. Fatty Meats: Too much fat can lead to pancreatitis in dogs. Keep the sausages and fatty cuts of meat to yourself and away from your pup.

Safe BBQ Foods for Dogs

  1. Lean Meats: Grilled chicken or turkey (without bones or skin) is a safe bet. Just make sure it’s plain, without any seasoning.
  2. Vegetables: Carrots, green beans, and cucumber slices make great, healthy treats for dogs. Just avoid adding any butter or seasoning.
  3. Fruits: Blueberries, watermelon (seedless), and apple slices (without seeds) are safe and refreshing snacks for your dog.
  4. Sweet Potatoes: These can be a delicious treat if they’re plain and cooked without any added sugar or spices.

General BBQ Safety Tips for Dogs

  1. Keep Them Away from the Grill: This one’s a no-brainer, but always keep your dog at a safe distance from the hot grill to prevent burns and accidents.
  2. Have Fresh Water Available: Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water to stay hydrated, especially on hot days.
  3. Supervise, Supervise, Supervise: Keep an eye on your dog at all times during the BBQ. With so many tempting smells and potential hazards, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  4. Use Pet-Friendly Sunscreen: If your dog will be outside for a long time, especially if they have short or light-colored fur, make sure to apply pet-safe sunscreen to protect them from sunburn.
  5. Provide a Quiet Space: Sometimes BBQs can get noisy and crowded. Have a quiet spot where your dog can retreat and relax if they get overwhelmed.

And there you have it! Here’s a quick checklist to keep handy:

  • Dangerous Foods: Cooked bones, corn cobs, onions and garlic, chocolate and desserts, avocado, alcohol, fatty meats
  • Safe Foods: Lean meats, vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes
  • Safety Tips: Keep them away from the grill, have fresh water available, supervise them, use pet-friendly sunscreen, provide a quiet space

Enjoy your summer BBQs and keep those furry friends safe and happy!

RELATED READ: Keep your dog safe from fireworks

🌽 Your dog loves BBQs too, but not all human treats are safe! Discover the dos and don'ts of BBQ foods for dogs and make sure your pup has a blast!
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