
Kevin, the 7-Foot Gentle Giant, is the World’s Tallest Dog… and He’s Scared of Vacuums!

Meet Kevin, the world’s tallest dog πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί standing at 7 feet tall! But don’t let his size fool you – he’s absolutely terrified of the vacuum! 🧹😱

Meet Kevin: The World’s Tallest Dog with a Heart of Gold

Move over, Clifford! There’s a new big dog in town. Kevin, a Great Dane from West Des Moines, Iowa, has been officially crowned the world’s tallest dog by Guinness World Records. Standing at an impressive 0.97 meters (3 feet 2 inches) from his feet to his withers (the ridge between his shoulder blades), Kevin stretches to a whopping 7 feet when he’s up on his hind legs. And yes, he’s named after Macaulay Culkin’s iconic character from “Home Alone.”

Kevin’s towering stature is only part of his charm. At three years old, he shares his home with three other dogs, including a little pug, and four cats. Despite his size, Kevin is a gentle giant who loves nothing more than hogging the sofa and taking long naps.

At 7 feet on his hind legs, Kevin is the world's tallest dog! πŸ†πŸΎ But this gentle giant has one fear – the vacuum cleaner! 🧹😨

His owner, Tracy Wolfe, affectionately describes him as the “epitome of a gentle giant.” Despite his enormous frame, Kevin is known for his sweet nature and often crouches or crawls near smaller dogs to make himself less intimidating. However, there is one thing that terrifies this big boy – the vacuum cleaner. “He won’t let it come within six feet of him. He will jump and run to get away from it,” says Mrs. Wolfe with a chuckle.

When out for walks, Kevin’s impressive size never fails to turn heads. Passersby frequently ask, “Is that a horse?” and joke about putting a saddle on him. Despite eating a lot, Kevin manages to stay trim, thanks in part to his playful antics and active lifestyle.

Kevin’s favorite activities include lounging on the couch and soaking up affection from his family. He’s very friendly, although his enthusiastic tongue can sometimes be a bit much for those unprepared for his size. His playful nature also means he can be stubborn and a bit naughty, especially when it comes to food.

Originally bred to hunt boars, Great Danes like Kevin still have a bit of that instinct. However, Kevin’s version of chasing things is usually a gentle romp, and he’s particularly good with smaller dogs and cats. He loves the kids in his family, and they adore him right back. The Wolfe family is thrilled about Kevin’s new title as the world’s tallest dog and couldn’t be prouder of their big, lovable companion.

Despite his enormous size, Kevin sometimes forgets just how big he is. It’s not unusual to find him trying to squeeze into small spaces or attempting to sit on top of family members. His antics, combined with his gentle nature, make him a beloved member of the Wolfe family and a true gentle giant.

So, next time you’re in West Des Moines and see a dog that looks more like a small horse, it might just be Kevin, the world’s tallest dog, out for a stroll with his family.

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