
Think Twice Before Throwing Sticks! How A Playful Moment Turned Scary For Scooby And His Owner.

Keep the fun going safely with dog-friendly toys! 🐶❤️ Find out why sticks aren’t the best playtime option.

The Perils of Playing with Sticks: A Cautionary Tale for Dog Lovers

Let’s talk about something many of us have done countless times without a second thought – throwing sticks for our furry friends. While it seems like harmless fun, there are some hidden dangers that we need to be aware of to keep our dogs safe and sound.

A Scary Incident: Scooby’s Story

Imagine a sunny afternoon, perfect for some outdoor fun with your beloved dog. That’s what Louise thought when she took her one-year-old pooch, Scooby, out for a romp in the park. They were having a blast, playing a game with a stick, when things took a turn for the worse.

“We were playing a game and I had a stick in my hand,” Louise recalls. “When I stopped to talk to my husband briefly, Scooby jumped up to snatch the stick and it got stuck in the roof of his mouth. Blood started pouring from Scooby’s mouth and began to pool on the floor. He didn’t yelp or cry out in pain, he just went quiet and withdrawn.”

“I was so worried when he stopped eating later that day,” Louise says. “I knew I had to get help.” She rushed Scooby to the PDSA Portsmouth Pet Hospital. At the hospital, Scooby was seen immediately by vet Jessica, who shared some eye-opening information about the dangers of sticks.

“Chasing sticks might seem like lots of fun for your dog, but many owners are unaware of the horrible injuries they can cause,” Jessica explained. “Sticks can impale your dog if they get lodged in the ground after being thrown, or cause nasty cuts in the mouth and throat which can bleed a lot, as well as longer-term problems from splinters. It’s difficult to watch our dogs all the time, but we should try to encourage them to play with pet-friendly toys instead.

Luckily, after a thorough examination, Scooby’s bleeding had stopped, and he was sent home with an anti-inflammatory pain relief injection and some additional medication. Louise was relieved and kept a close eye on Scooby, who, with lots of love and care, made a full recovery. His mouth injury healed, and he’s back to his usual playful self

Safe and Fun Alternatives to Sticks

Now that we know the risks, let’s explore some safer ways to play with our dogs without compromising on the fun!

  1. Rubber Balls: These are a classic and safe choice for fetch. They’re durable, easy to clean, and dogs love the way they bounce!
  2. Frisbees: Special dog-friendly Frisbees are made of soft materials that won’t hurt your dog’s mouth and are perfect for high-energy games.
  3. Rope Toys: These are great for tug-of-war and can also be thrown for fetch. They’re tough and come in various sizes to suit any dog.
  4. Stuffed Toys: Many dogs love carrying around plush toys. Just make sure they’re durable and designed for dogs to avoid choking hazards.
  5. Kong Toys: These are fantastic for dogs who love to chew. They can also be stuffed with treats or peanut butter for an extra challenge and reward.
  6. Squeaky Toys: Dogs often go wild for the squeak! These toys can keep them entertained for hours, just ensure they’re sturdy enough to withstand enthusiastic play.

Remember, our dogs rely on us to keep them safe while they’re having fun. By choosing pet-friendly toys and being mindful of potential hazards, we can ensure our furry friends stay healthy and happy. So next time you’re heading out for a play session, leave the sticks behind and bring along a safe toy instead. Your dog will thank you with endless tail wags and happy barks! 🐾❤️

Stay safe and play on! 🎾🐕

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Think twice before throwing sticks! 🐾 Learn why pet-friendly toys are a safer choice for your pup.
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